Can't Access Additional Training and Upgrades

When in the CunWare Apps Members Area you will have access to nearly every section of the site Except for any Additional Upgrade Training.

This Training is usually an additional upgrade product that must be purchased before you can access these area's of the site.

There are 2 Ways to Solve this Issue :

(A) if you haven't already purchased the required Upgrade then follow the instructions on the "Wrong Membership Level" page and you will be able to upgrade and access this material in a few minutes

(B) if you have already purchased the content you are trying to access then the most likely reason is that after purchasing one of the additional upgrades you did not go through the Membership Upgrade Process.

If this is the case then it would explain why you're Membership Level has not been upgraded yet.

To fix this please do the following :

- Log-in to your JVZoo Account and locate the Product that you want access to

- click on it and then click the Access Purchase link on the next page

- this will Redirect you to a Membership Page where you are given options on how to Upgrade your Membership

- if you have already logged into the site and simply want to Upgrade then follow the prompts on screen to Upgrade to the next Membership Level

- if however this is your first time accessing the site then fill out your Registration Details as normal and then follow through to access the website

The above is the fastest way to solve this issue. If you have any difficulties with doing the above then feel free to Submit a Support Ticket along with all your Purchase Info and we'll try to help you as soon as possible.








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